The Air Force Historical Foundation’s 2011 Symposium

The Air Force Historical Foundation will sponsor its biennial symposium on Thursday and Friday, November 17-18, 2011, on the theme: “Air Power and Global Operations: 9/11 and Beyond.”

The symposium will take place at the Air Force Conference Center, Andrews AFB, Maryland, and will feature panels of historians, analysts and leaders who have directed air operations in this period. Keynote speakers include Lt. Gen. Christopher D. Miller, the Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategic Plans and Programs, and former Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge. Following the Symposium, the Foundation will host its annual awards presentation during a luncheon at Andrews.

The awards luncheon will feature the presentation of two prestigious honors.  The fifth annual General Carl “Tooey” Spaatz Award will be presented to an individual for a sustained, significant contribution to the making of Air Force history during a lifetime of service, and is named for the first President of the Foundation and first Chief of Staff of the Air Force.  Past recipients include General David C. Jones, Maj Gen John R. Alison, Lt Gen Thomas Stafford, and General Larry D. Welch.

The Foundation also will present its fifth annual Major General I. B. Holley Award to an individual that has made a sustained, significant contribution to the research, interpretation, and documentation of Air Force history during a lifetime of service.  It is named for the distinguished professor who taught military history at Duke University for over six decades, served as an active and reserve Air Force officer, and influenced several generations of military historians.  Past recipients include General Holley, Brig Gen Alfred F. Hurley, Herman S. Wolk, and Dr. Alan R. Gropman.

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